
PIDERS work with TECDEN on ECD & ECCE program

Early childhood is defined as the period from birth to eight years old. PIDERS’s mission is to support early childhood policy development with the aim to build a solid foundation for a child’s lifelong learning. PIDERS advocates for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programs that attend to health, nutrition, security and learning and which provide for children’s holistic development. PIDERS is a member of TECDEN which leads the national policy drive for an integrated early childhood care and education system that encompasses both the well-being and holistic development of the child.

Flourishing Futures IV (FFIV) project

Sunflower farmers served under FFIV project.Farm Africa in collaboration with strategic market actors managed to profile a total of 42,468 productive Sunflower farmers in Singida and Manyara regions and successfully facilitated implementation of project activities. FFIV project focus on M4P approach which involve two Market Actors (BB/Mezzanine & PIDERS) who serves farmers directly in collaboration with other key Players like LGAs, financial institutions, buyers and agro-dealers/input companies. Farm Africa in collaboration with Funders closely monitored and facilitated all interventions under MAs and players.

Marketing Infrastricture,Value Addition and Rural Finance Support ( MIVARF) project Karatu-Arusha

The Programme – Marketing Infrastructure, Value Addition and Rural Finance Programme (MIVARF) is a follow-up to the Bank and IFAD financed Agricultural Marketing Systems Development Programme (AMSDP) which successfully achieved its development objectives in increasing the percentage of all-year passable rural roads and decrease in the number of households located more than 10kms from passable roads; increased volume of goods moved within and out of the focal areas and access of farmers’ produce to markets; and increased price of farmers produce and districts’ revenue collection.

Livelihoods Restoration program

The main project objective this LRP is to restore or improve the livelihoods of PAPs. Specifically, the project aims at providing training and start-up inputs to PAPs in different areas of intervention including agriculture, livestock and off-business, on business/entrepreneurship skills, sustainable agriculture production and livestock development.

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